今天翹了課 沒通勤 橄欖綠沒空間翻開
不過卻很「偶然地」遇見最落俗套和 before 系列合理推測同對父母
在二十分鐘內出現 1.5次
與此同時 「偶然地」又搬出那本她在腋下夾著一整天遊逛布拉格大街
那張唯一通行證的可憐門票 安娜卡列尼娜
i lost the book
… let me remember it… it wasn’t Anna Karenina?
Anna Karenina yes
what is… this is really nice coincident
no coincident i saw ur picture online advertising this thing…
i can’t believe u r here
i live in paris
i thought i was going to totally lose it in there after i saw u
how u even know i was going to be there?
its my favorite bookstore in paris
u can sit down for hours
i luv it— even if theres fleas
i think a cat slept on my head last night
i saw ur picture on the calendar about a month ago and that u were going to be here
its funny i read an article on ur book and it sounded vaguely familiar
but i didnt put it all together until i saw the picture
精彩的散文 她自殺 再來精彩的散文
不久前他和我說他看完了 before 系列
他只談劇本寫作 我也只能拿談電影用的文化連結
上星期在故宮飲水機前的長凳 before 系列又略略被勾起
我們不能指責小說 說被這些的偶然巧合所迷惑